Report Engineer Pistol - QL 100 (Mechanic)

WARNING - This process has not been verified! Data may be incorrect!
Skills Value
IconBreaking and Entry 240
IconTutoring 240
WARNING - This process has not been verified! Data may be incorrect!
Skills Value
IconElectrical Engineering 300
IconNano Programming 200
WARNING - This process has not been verified! Data may be incorrect!
Skills Value
IconElectrical Engineering 297
IconWeapon Smithing 396
Items Count QL
Icon Electrical Engineering Tutoring Device 1 80
Icon Disposal Unit Electrical Toolset 1 100
Icon Solar-Powered Mender Pistol 1 99
Tools QL
Icon Hacker Tool 64
Skills Value
IconBreaking and Entry 240
IconTutoring 240
IconElectrical Engineering 300
IconNano Programming 200
IconWeapon Smithing 396